Sig p226 serial number u163268
Sig p226 serial number u163268

Serial Number - Date Proof - Year of Manufacture - Month/Year of Import - Caliber - Importer - Additional Info (Thanks to Mustang-PaPa for the link and recommendation) If there are dashes, the pistol was produced without such proof marks.Īn excellent resource for background information on various SIG models: If there are two X's instead of the date code, it's because I was never able to confirm what the actual stamp was. I've done my best to throw out as much junk as possible, while still keeping relevant information - some of which is quite redundant. There are discrepancies here and there in regard to sequential numbering and the associated manufacture/import years, which isn't unheard of, and could be for a variety of reasons not related to misinformation.


I've compiled a fairly decent list of serial numbers and their related dates of import and/or manufacture, and hope this helps those who may be looking for such answers/information. Serial number, date code, year, if each is present, then any pertinent information like import markings or a description of the pistol.

sig p226 serial number u163268

If you wish to have your gun(s) included please post the information in the format you see it presented in the list, example:

sig p226 serial number u163268

If you have any information to contribute for any SIG models, please post it in this thread.

Sig p226 serial number u163268